Hi friends,

I wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving from the Red Dot Label. I also wanted to share a scripture and a song that is speaking to me in this season and hoping that it does to you as well. I was reading out of Romans 8:1 the other day and I began thinking how it sums up The Red Dot vision so well and what it stands for: 

“So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One.” Romans 8:1 TPT 

This is precisely what the red dot, which represents the blood of Jesus, speaks over you and I. 

The song I would like to share is called Valley by Chris McClarney. Please do yourself a favor and listen to it if you haven’t heard it yet! If you have some things that you are stepping out unto unknown territory… know this, that He is with you and that He goes before you. Like my mentor and one of dearest friends Debbie said over a phone chat this week that I so needed to be reminded of - if He’s leading you, you can trust that it’s going to be good. 

Whatever this season finds you in - easy, hard, uphill, curvy, tiring, confusing, I hope and pray dear one that you will find something to be truly grateful for and may that carry you to the Thanksgiving holiday & beyond. 

All my love,


PS: black T-shirts are still on their way. I will let you know as soon as they arrive. Thank you for your patience! 

My first post & new shirts incoming!