Happy Holidays

Dear friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family & friends! It’s been awhile so I thought I would reach out and say hello. We had a pretty low-key Christmas this year - I had a cold and the kiddos had just gotten over one. We continued our family tradition by having the kiddos sleep in the family room next to the Christmas tree and the next day, we read the Christmas story. This never gets old or boring - I love teaching the kiddos why we celebrate Christmas and that it truly is all about Jesus! Next we do a Christmas pizza and open presents and usually a walk in the afternoon. Lately I’ve been thinking about the word ‘wait’ and waiting seasons that God often has us in. It’s kind of fascinating to me how a woman is pregnant for 9 months and has to wait before she can hold that baby. Then there is the waiting seasons of the baby growing and developing. It seems like God really isn’t in a hurry at all. He wasn’t in a hurry with His plan of redemption and I don’t think He’s in a hurry with your story or mine's either. So what do we do in the waiting period? I believe a lot of it has to do with rest and trust - just like a pregnant mama. She is trusting that the baby will come when it’s due and she is resting in that promise (and probably sleeping quite a bit during that time as well!). Another thing though that she is doing is nourishing herself and her baby. She is most likely taking prenatal vitamins, eating a ton of veggies and fruit and drinking unimaginable amounts of water! Oh my goodness when I was pregnant with my kids - I would drink water non stop, even in the middle of the night! I believe we can nourish ourselves spiritually by reading the Word and fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. This keeps our mind, spirit and heart engaged to the Promise Keeper. I’m very excited for 2024 on many levels - I hope to share with you more next year. Wherever this post finds you, I hope you know just how much your support means to me as a new entrepreneur.

Much love and blessings from me to you,


PS: you can always respond by clicking reply to this email or you can reach me at info@thereddotlabel.com - I would love to hear from you!