My first post & new shirts incoming!

It was great to meet you at the AGAPE event the previous weekend! I have been thinking and praying for you. I am just getting back to the swing of things - cleaned out my office last week and did thank you cards for our Healing Rooms volunteers who served at the conference that whole weekend. Also my kids were over at their grandparents house this weekend having some time with their cousins and I was drinking a cup of coffee in a quiet and semi clean house. As I sat there pondering, I was somewhat in awe of what God did at the event and with what He is doing with these T-shirts. It is His leading and I am so humbled to be on this journey with Him, trying to listen to Him every step of the way. One of the highlights for me at the conference was seeing so many of you wearing the T-shirts. I didn't realize how much joy it was going to bring to my heart! Pls scroll down below to see a random photo I took of one of the attendees at the conference 😄. There is something just so special about having a vision or a dream in your heart and then seeing the fruition of it. I also really believe that it pleased the Father and that feeling gave me a great sense of satisfaction. There is nothing I long for on this earth then to do just that! I know you feel the same or you wouldn't be in this space. 

If you haven't had a chance to check out the website yet - you can do so at and share with a friend. I'd love to have your help getting the word out! Also, for those who were asking for the T-shirts in the color black, I want you to know that I hear you. I have reached out to my design team and they are working on that right now. I will let you know as soon as they have shipped those to me. Also I have asked them to send me a few in the color lilac so you should see those on the website here soon as well. 

Lotsa love,


Ways to stay connected with me:


Instagram: corbettlyuba

Happy Holidays